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Welcome to Therapy Reality-TTCS!

Eve B

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Welcome to the Therapy Reality forum aka TTCS (Therapy-The Client's Side) Community! The intention of this forum to serve as a safe space for those who have experienced harmful psychotherapy to honestly share their stories and concerns.  Perspectives are client-oriented towards better awareness and information for empowering and protecting the consumer as well as helping to improve the therapy profession as a whole. The troubling reality of therapy is that it is a risk that can harm more than it heals.  When the process goes wrong, it's the client who usually suffers more than the therapist.  Therapy carries a stigma, and especially so after it fails. The voice of any client who has been maltreated by bad therapy (and a bad therapist) deserves to be heard not hidden.  The courageous challenge for clients is to still be able to offer solutions and constructive criticism despite the damage that was done to them.  Let's hope the ears of the therapists are as willing to listen.

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thank you so much for starting this forum. i have not been able to find a place like this where i feel i can safely discuss some of my uncertainties and doubts about the efficacy of my own therapy without worrying that i will be 'attacked' by the naysayers.  it will be nice to meet and talk among others who have had similar experiences so we can bring this more out into the open. 

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Pleased to make your acquaintance, Sylvester!  I was looking around for a forum like this too and couldn't find any so that's why I decided to try and start one myself. I didn't care if it would be just me 'talking' to myself on an internet discussion board.  I think there's a lot to gain by spreading the other side of the truth, and I felt just as fearful to honestly post my personal feelings about my therapy experiences on those huge pro-therapy psych boards.  I think I'll be lucky if I get a max of 10 followers here, but what matters the most to me is providing a safer place for voices like ours to speak up and out.

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On 9/5/2016 at 0:17 AM, Eve B said:

  I think there's a lot to gain by spreading the other side of the truth


my T kind of frowns on the various psych forums and is not particularly keen of me reading or posting on them. he thinks they can be negative and possibly unhelpful for the client in regards to the therapy and the relationship (causing more harm than good due to misconceptions or bad advice) which i strongly disagree with him on.  i have discovered so much valuable information in regards to the mysteries of therapy, transference, counter transference, how others generally experince T, and what 'good' and 'bad' therapy/therapist can be like.  i have also experienced extra support (especially when T has been away on extended holidays or in times when i know it would be useless to reach out to him) and have learned other healing alternatives that do not involve talk T.  i do wonder if he also fears me finding information like what may be talked about on this forum?

boy, if he only knew that i have found this forum....hehe...^_^ i know he definilty wouldn't care for the topics discussed here and would frown upon it. but when you think about it, that  is a bit unfortunate, because if i were a T, to help make myself a wiser T, i would want to know and understand what the clients were saying, both good and bad.  it's about understanding your key customers, the ones who pay for their service and fund their incomes.  perhaps that is why Ts are Ts and not businessmen/women. :/

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