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Posts posted by WoundedSoul74

  1. On 4/24/2017 at 2:55 PM, AdamP said:

    So called mental disorders can be manifestations of real physical ailments that drive people into isolation.

    This is another thing that disproves the mental health field as a legitimate medical practice or science.  When you see a mental health professional there's no medical testing whatsoever except for taking a generic test for symptoms of mental illness, usually a checklist that just about anybody could answer yes to.

    There's no testing for toxins, possible head injury, a bad reaction to medications, or a number of other things that can effect someones thinking or behavior.  This might sound conspiratorial but is it possible fluoride in the water supply could be affecting a large percentage of people, GMOs, the huge amount of additives and preservatives in our food supply many of which are actually toxic, and daily exposure to environmental toxins but the MH system completely ignores all of this.  Also the psychiatric medications can actually mimic symptoms of mental illness.   

  2. 2 hours ago, Eve B said:

    Are clients really allowed to get their therapist's session notes if they request them?  Reading their psychobabble could prove useful to the client, especially early on.

    I don't know about private practice therapists but this was a community community mental health clinic and one of your rights as a client was being allowed access to your file although they will leave out some notes under certain circumstances, they don't exactly make it clear what those are.  Eventually I'll post my full story (it's long) but after everything that happened I wanted to know what they were writing about me and their version.

    Most of it is actually quite boring but it's also a little funny to read.

    Here's one:

    "Mental Status ( Comment on current presentation)

    Client alert; movement within normal limits; hygiene and grooming within normal limits; engaged; eye contact within normal limits; clear speech; dressed appropriately for weather; organized thought patterns; positive affect, laughed when appropriate."

    Then she goes on about what I discussed in that session, that was one of the better ones.


  3. Quote

    After a fierce battle in the American Psychiatric Association (APA), which produces it(the DSM), a proposal to include hebephilia as a disorder in the new edition of the manual has been defeated. The proposal arose because puberty in children has started ever earlier in recent decades and as a result, it was argued, the current definition of paedophilia – pre-pubertal sexual attraction – missed out too many young people.

    Ray Blanchard, professor of psychiatry at the University of Toronto, who led the APA’s working group on the subject, said that unless some other way was found of encompassing hebephilia in the new manual, that was “tantamount to stating that the APA’s official position is that the sexual preference for early pubertal children is normal”.

    This was the part of the article that stood out for me.  One thing I could see this leading to is sick psychiatrists who use their position to take of advantage of vulnerable children and use the defense that it is normal.  Of course I'm not saying that all therapists agree with this but it is scary to think this could become a common view in the mental health field.


  4. This might go beyond therapist abuse but it still has to do with the sick mentality of these so called professionals.  According to the APA it's supposedly normal for full grown men to be attracted to children.  It almost seems there trying to normalize pedophilia.  I know for me, I have no sexual attraction to children and the thought of it makes me sick.  What the hell is wrong with these people?


  5. 16 hours ago, RealityCheque said:

    You can stop paying your therapist, but if you still have the mental structure of a therapy client, thinking in therapy language, defining yourself in therapy terms, labeling yourself as a wounded soul - you're going to have a really, really hard time ever improving, because being sick and broken has become your identity. 



    I probably should have picked a different forum name but at this time this is how I'm feeling and therapy definitely increased the view of myself as being sick and broken.  I'm trying to get over it and realizing that I wasn't the sick one in this, it wasn't unreasonable of me to expect trust and genuine caring.

  6. Quote

    How would you approach helping people with issues like the ones you mentioned -- emotional problems, relationship difficulties, shame and low self esteem.  What about depression so deep someone tries to kill themselves, or anxiety so bad they can't leave the house, or seeing and hearing things that "aren't there", at least that other people in the same space can't see or hear?

    I don’t have all the answers, hell I don’t even have the answers to my own issues but the current MHS in my view is not the right approach.  Maybe we need to change the language used to describe extreme mental and emotional suffering instead of calling these disorders or mental illness.  I have terrible depression along with feeling suicidal, severe insomnia,  and anxiety to the point of not wanting to leave the house but I hate thinking of these things as mental illness or that I’m disordered which just makes me feel worse and leads to feeling that I’m “other” or dehumanized and therapy magnified these feelings.  What I believe about my own issues is a lot of it comes from an abusive family and past traumatic events.

    I can’t remember where I read it but there was study done about how mental illness is viewed from others and what leads to a lack of empathy and understanding, if people think mental illness is caused from biological or genetic causes the level of empathy for that person is lowered and leads to stigma and distance, on the other hand if we see their issues being caused by past traumatic events then there is more understanding and empathy.  I believe most therapists see MH issues as biological or genetic in nature due to the training they receive and their belief in the DSM and of course they have to use the labels described in the DSM to make their treatments billable for insurance purposes.

    After my hurtful therapy I got a full copy of my file to find out what she was writing about me.  In one session I was a really tired and she wrote that I had “blunted effect”, what this really means is just being tired or burned out but she couldn’t make any money that way so they have to use these pseudoscience labels.

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