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Posts posted by Starling

  1. On 10/17/2019 at 5:20 PM, zygomaticus said:

    it's more like us clients being dogs and having the pills we'd otherwise refuse mixed in with our food, because we'll also get some scooby snacks when we're good doggies and do as we're told.

    I had a therapist who was really enamored with the book "Don't Shoot the Dog" - a treatise on behavior modification written by an animal trainer on how to apply those techniques to dogs, cats, porpoises (her actual livelihood), children, colleagues, clients...  I should have taken it as the red flag it was.  Granted, we only had six session, but those six sessions culminated in me having a total psychic breakdown.  

  2. Hi all,

    Like some others, I found this site through Disequilibrium's Blog.  I've been in and out of therapy for most of my adult life. I had some serious issues that I needed help with and I admit that there were times when therapy was helpful.  But there were also times and situations that were seriously damaging (I would say the vast majority of times).  I quit therapy for good about 6 months ago. It was with a long time therapist who I was very fond of (and who was at least, not damaging) - but honestly, it was more like an addiction than any real help...and it took a couple of years to reach the point where I could quit. Before that, there were quite a few really bad therapists.  I'm mostly over all of it - but I'm still very much interested in hearing other folks experiences and thoughts.  I agree with most of what I've read here so far. I question the entire "therapy" model (at least how it's done in the United States) - but I'm at a loss trying to figure out alternatives, especially for folks with serious problems or who are in crisis. 

    Anyway - just saying hi.

    ~ Starling

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